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Industry News

Purchasing Tips of the Fabric Duct Material 20 2022.07
Industry News Purchasing Tips of the Fabric Duct Material
Fabric air ducts are applied in many food industries and engineering construction processes. Their products have good corrosion resistance and mildew resistance, and they are all made of high-quality ...
The Structural Characteristics of Fabric Air Ducts 13 2022.07
Industry News The Structural Characteristics of Fabric Air Ducts
With the progress of technology, the transformation of tobacco plants is gradually increasing, including off-site transformation and in-situ transformation. The renovation of the warehouse air conditi...
Knowledge of Fabric Air Ducts 06 2022.07
Industry News Knowledge of Fabric Air Ducts
The fabric air duct plays a crucial role in many large enterprises. The features of fabric air ducts are outstanding because they are all made of flame-resistant fabric duct materials. There are numer...
Serious Consequences of Choosing the Wrong Cloth Air Duct 21 2022.04
Industry News Serious Consequences of Choosing the Wrong Cloth Air Duct
In recent years, there are always some manufacturers in China imitating the products of Durkee air duct. They use general fiber fabric without accurate permeability and precise opening. The products d...
Durkee Can Help You to Get GSP Certification 07 2022.04
Industry News Durkee Can Help You to Get GSP Certification
GSP is the English abbreviation of "Good Supply Practice for Quality Management of Pharmaceutical Business, which is the unified quality management standard for pharmaceutical business enterprise...
Life and Quotation of Fabric Air Duct 30 2021.11
Industry News Life and Quotation of Fabric Air Duct
The fiber fabric duct is woven from special fibers. It is the end of a flexible air ventilation system, which replaces traditional air outlet systems such as ducts, dampers, and diffusers. The fabric ...